
The Hottest Spot In Town

I didn't get anything printed today, but I finished carving my newest block! I have lots of printing to catch up on tomorrow.


Lion Lino Part II

Lions! I printed a couple of blue ones yesterday and some red ones today. The red ink went down a little thick, but I'm still pretty happy with the prints. I plan on doing two more color variations tomorrow.


Lion Lino

Here's my newest linocut in progress. It's going to be a lion. I plan on printing it using different colors and some nice paper I picked up yesterday.


Beach Goodies

Since I've moved to Capitola I have a weird compulsion to gather interesting objects during my morning beach walks. Today I found a broken sand dollar, a crab shell thingy, some kind of vertebra, a neat clam shell and a group of three shells fused together. I will add them to my collection.


Meet Your Maker Part III

Meet Your Maker has been printed! My friend said it creeps him out.

Limited Editions

So just what does limited edition mean? It means when I finish creating my prints I destroy the carved block. No other prints will ever be made using that same exact design again!


Meet Your Maker Part II

I didn't finish the Meet Your Maker linocut yet. I did get more carved today, but I took a break to watch a movie and bake some chocolate chip cookies.


Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday topic: song.

Meet Your Maker

Here's my newest linocut, it's called Meet Your Maker. I should have it carved and printed by Monday. It may be hard to envision right now in the beginning stages, but it involves a naked woman's torso devouring someone!


Stop Motion Animation

I just finished watching Corpse Bride. I loved the highly stylized characters and the gothic look of the sets. I've always loved stop motion animation. The United Airlines commercial, Dragon, really inspired me. The use of cut paper figures is amazing!


Painter's Corner

Creating block prints and working with digital artwork takes a lot of precision. It can get frustrating so I decided to set up a little corner of my studio to work on some abstract paintings. There's nothing quite like flinging some paint around and letting it tell me where to put the next stroke of color. I painted this four paneled piece today.